
I’m a writer who asks questions about the world, and about whose side of the story we are hearing. 

This approach fuels my deep passion for justice and helps make sense of our beautiful, complicated world.

My first book, Blessed are the Undone: Testimonies of the Quiet Deconstruction of Faith in Canada, co-authored with Peter Schuurman, began with a set of questions and carries forward the theme of justice that threads its way throughout my work. Our book was chosen as the topic for the New Leaf Network’s 2024 fall conference in Waterloo, Ontario and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

I’m also an editor who loves helping others bring an idea from “Hey, what do you think of this?” to a polished final product, which happens quite a bit at Christian Courier.

Thanks for stopping by!

Canadian Christians frustrated with the Church have come ‘Undone’ and are leaving politely, almost apologetically, in what this book dubs a Quiet Deconstruction. Blessed are the Undone asks: what aspects of faith are being questioned, and why?

Weaving in church history, cultural analysis and their personal stories, Bick and Schuurman use canoe camping to illustrate the twists and turns of the spiritual journey. Whether you feel like you’re up the creek without a paddle when it comes to faith, or if people you love have lost their bearings, this book is for you.