You can find a bookshelf in just about every room of their house (even the driveway). She’ll pack books for a trip long before clothes. Angela has always loved words, and to make a living writing and editing has been a joy.

With an Honours English BA from Redeemer University and an MA in Literature from Queen’s University, Angela became Editor-in-Chief of Christian Courier in 2009. Under her leadership, the independent Canadian news publication has navigated the unceasingly-tumultuous news industry – remaining in print despite serious headwinds, with a growing online audience – and won dozens of awards.

In 2020, Angela received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Redeemer University for her “professional achievements, community engagement, and personal accomplishments for the glory of God.” Her writing has also been recognized for “excellence in religious journalism” with the prestigious A.C. Forrest Memorial Award (2016) from the Canadian Church Press, and by the Debra Fieguth Social Justice Award from the Word Awards (2018) for “outstanding work that addresses social justice issues.”

In addition to writing, Angela has edited monographs, memoirs and anthologies. She’s been a guest speaker in local classrooms and at the occasional conference. Blessed are the Undone: Testimonies of the Quiet Deconstruction of Faith in Canada, co-authored with Peter Schuurman, is her first book.

She lives in Newcastle, Ontario with her family.